My blog about motorcycle rides, photography etc.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bike riding list

It's cold and raining, there is lots of residual gravel in the road from the storm a few weeks ago so it's not exactly motorcycle riding friendly right now.  The sun came out for an hour yesterday but there was lots of rain and fog.  I miss the road and riding but I can say I turned in some requests for time off for long weekends.
Actually that is one of my New Years Resolutions - take more overnight motorcycle trips! 
In preparation for trips, I have become a list girl, just like my Dad.  When planning a trip, it is easy for me to get excited about the route and the stuff we are going to see, and without a list I might forget my cell phone charger!
I think each person's list is a little bit personal.  If you are a photo person you will include lots of photo gear.  If you are mechanical, you might bring lots of tools.  I'm a nurse so I make sure to include medications in case anyone in the group needs it.
So here is my trip list.  You can see I added some blank lines to include extra stuff.
I have some pretty big saddle bags and keep a small first aid kit along with my registration and insurance card.
What else do you include in your list, and why?
Happy riding!
Motorcycle Trip List
Bike Stuff                                                                              ____Hairbrush/Comb
____Spare Key/battery                                                     ____Toothbrush/Toothpaste
____ Insurance Card                                                           ____Tissue/T.P.
____ Registration                                                                ____Glasses
____Chaps/Riding Pants                                                     ____Sox & Underwear
____Neck Cozie                                                                    ____ Medication
 ____Tie Wraps                                                                    ____Jeans
____Gloves X2                                                                     ____T-shirt
____Boots                                                                             ____Sleep shirt
____Tire gauge                                                                    ____Pocket Knife
____Cardo Unit                                                                    ____Cash
____Tire Inflator kit                                                            ____ Sunscreen
____ Electrical tape                                                            ____ Post card list
Personal Items                                                                     ____________________________     
____Wallet                                                                          ____________________________
____ Camera & charger                                                     ____________________________
____ Phone & charger                                                      ____________________________
 ____Tennis shoes                                                               ____________________________
 ____ Sandals                                                                       _____________________________
 ____Bandana                                                                      _____________________________
____  Laptop & Charger                                                     _____Bike Meds(Motrin, Aspirin,Tylenol,Benadryl,Tums)
____ Medical Kit
____ Chapstick
____ Bungee cord
____ Flashlight    


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