Here is a whole crap load of pictures I've been taking around a few towns. I found out that I'm in 3rd place out of 200 entries in the E2E Motorcycle Rally. I have to keep my lead!
Historic Location - Redwood Hotel aka Redwood Towers - Grants Pass
Post Office in Grants Pass
Historic Location - It's the Climate sign
Historic Location - Herbert & Katherine Smith House, Grants Pass
Historic Landmark - Gold Hill High School
Self Portrait
Historic Landmark -Chavner Family House, Gold Hill
Big face in Ashland
Historic Cemetery in Ashland
Big Spider in Medford
Historic Landmark - Dr. Martin Vrooman House, Jacksonville
Historic Landmark - Purcell Log Cabin, Jacksonville
Historic Landmark - Herman Helms House, Jacksonville
Historic Landmark - Booker House 1880 Jacksonville
Historic Landmark - Rogue River Valley Railway Depot, Jacksonville
Hockenjos-Fick House
Big ducky in Grants Pass
Fire Department in Grants Pass
Big Cat in Grants Pass
Lumberjack in Grants Pass
Cool Barn in Grants Pass
Fire Department in Grants Pass
Big Wheel in Grants Pass
You've got some awesome snaps in this post! Love the Lumberjack Muffler man and the big head especially!