February 2020 It was a Sunday morning and we called Chuck and Cindi to say "Hi". Chuck said they were in the middle of putting Bob to sleep. He had colic and went down that morning. He was in his late 20's, had asthma, COPD, Cushings Disease and HYPP. He had been sick for many years. Later that day I spoke to the vet and was told that Doc was healthy and fine and he could travel to Salem.
So after over 15 years, I got my horse back! He arrived a week later and he seemed OK. He had not left Bob's side in over 15 years and I was worried. He looked rough and surely looked his age of 33. We found a place to board him in Turner, just six minutes from the house. Stall at night and turnout during the day. This was his 2nd day in Salem.
His hips are sunk in, I can count his ribs, his hair is long and matted, his hair is all tangled and he seems sad. I'm going to do what I can to keep him comfortable and as happy as possible. I don't know how long he will be around and I'm not going to be selfish.
It's been nearly a month. I have been coming out to the barn every day, grooming, loving and taking him for walks. I wondered if I could still ride him, I wondered if I should still ride him. I though I would find out and the exercise would be good for him, maybe he would gain muscle and weight. I borrowed a saddle from Sandi (the barn manager and owner with her husband Dan). I got on. He was so happy!

And I was so happy too!

It took nearly a month to shed him out! Sometimes the hair came out in handfulls.
In May I bought a saddle on e-bay and it fits him perfectly. He is still
thin and I'm trying different foods for him. Old tummies can be cranky but he is tolerating
all the increases and changes.
We usually just walk around the arena and sometimes trot a little.
The lump on his jaw got suddenly larger. The vet in Medford said it was an abscessed tooth so I called the tooth specialist. She was very nice. She looked at him and I asked her initial impression and she said she thought it was adenocarcinoma. My heart sank. I asked how much longer he had and she suggested we put him down that afternoon but we would know more after a few x-rays. She sedated him and took the first picture. She was surprised at what she saw! She said it WAS NOT adenocarcinoma. She took more pictures.
She revealed it was a relatively rare enamel tumor. She looked inside his mouth and said he had an infected tooth right over the tumor (which probably made it blow up like it did). She pulled the tooth and was very pleased to give me the good news.
July 2020 - it got pretty hot, in the high 90's to low 100's so I bought him a fan for his stall. He appreciated it and would stand in front of it.
Always so happy when I ride him. I don't use a bit because of his tumor but he is so sweet. I use his string halter and bought a bosal.
Kissy kissy!
This heart is outside his stall. Love!
Kitty likes to sleep in his hay.
He's eating a ton and doing great.
A small wildfire that started nearly a month ago suddenly went crazy due to extremely high winds. It burned hundreds of acres in a very short time. The air quality was horrible but the horses didn't mind.
9-8-2020 still gaining weight
10-04-2020 This beautiful boy is doing so well. He hit 978 lbs.
Had a few cool nights, his winter coat is coming in.